
Velkommen til Studio Merkbar. Mit ønske er at skabe mærkbare billeder. Billeder med stemninger, bevægelse, følelser og atmosfære. Billeder med et kunstnerisk aftryk. Derfor lægger jeg vægt på nærvær, kreativitet, æstetik og ro i mine foto sessions.

Jeg har mit eget studio i min bolig i Roskilde og det giver en afslappet atmosfære og plads til fordybelse. Kontakt mig endelig hvis du har spørgsmål, vil booke en fotosession, har ideer til et projekt eller ønsker coaching indenfor fotografi.

In english

Welcome to Studio Merkbar! Merkbar means perceptible or noticable in German and Danish because I always aim to make images with feeling, atmosphere, movement and texture. Images with an artistic edge.

Contact me below if you would like to work with me, have questions, ideas for a project or if you are interested in photography coaching.


  • Portrait Now! Nordic portrait exhibition at Frederiksborg Castle, Hillerød, May-July 2021. Ljungbergmuseet in Sweden Oct-Nov 2021.
  • Kunst i pinsen. POP-UP Galleri in Hvalsø. May 2021
  • Photography project for interior decoration project 2019. CLAVIS Schoolbuilding in Copenhagen in collaboration with artist Christella Bamford.
  • May 2017, Makers of Marin Series exhibition together with Chloe Lagier at Noci, Mill Valley, CA, US. (www.focusnomore.com)
  • Jan 2017. Participation in O'Hanlon Photography Group Show, Bank Of Marin, Mill Valley, CA, US.
  • Dec. 3 - Feb. 17 2017. Participation in the Holiday Group Show at The Imageflow, Mill Valley, CA, US
  • Dec 2015, Landscape photos at Peets Coffee, Mill Valley, CA, US
  • October 1–22, 2015, Participation in the O'Hanlon Center for the Arts show "Photography: Elements" juried by Stuart Schwartz (The ImageFlow), Mill Valley, Ca, US
  • 24th-28th of April 2013. Blackall Studios, London. ECLECTIQUE. Exhibition by the London School of Photography Students.

Sankt Ibs vej 11, Roskilde, denmark